Want to get in touch?
If you have general questions about baby loss, or if you need additional support following the loss of a baby, please contact the charity most appropriate for you under the Get Support section of this website.
We regret that our email address is not constantly monitored and, although every effort is made to respond to you as soon as possible, it may take some time for us to get back to you; swift replies cannot be guaranteed.
If you or anyone around you becomes concerned about your mental health or a deterioration in your mood, then contact your GP, or in a crisis the emergency department at your nearest hospital, which has 24/7 care should you need it.
You may also find it helpful to contact the SANDS national helpline, which offers a safe, confidential place for anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby, whether their baby died long ago, or recently. The helpline is free to call from landlines and mobiles in the UK on 0808164 3332. The helpline can also be contacted at [email protected] for bereaved parents, other family members, friends and colleagues, as well as health professionals.
Please contact us at twitter if:
- You have been affected by the loss of a baby and you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on this website
- You are a therapist or exercise practitioner and you would like to contribute to the site in any way
- You are a medical practitioner working in the field of baby loss and you would like to share your expertise