Helping with Sleep


It is important to remember that your body will need and deserve some rest. If you have meditation tapes, or other methods to help you relax, use them to make sure you get lots of rest over the coming weeks. This will lay the right foundation for your emotional and physical recovery.

When you are lying down, lie on your side and make yourself comfortable by putting pillows between your knees, under your abdomen, or behind your back – whatever is most comfortable for you. This position can be particularly comfortable if you have had a caesarean section and you have stitches.

Alternatively, you may be more comfortable resting on your back. In this case, place pillows under your knees and make sure your head is also well-supported.

You may also find it helpful to look at our page on Mindfulness to help you with finding rest, and peace.


Sleep is important for physical and emotional wellbeing. Good sleep can help you to process the enormity of the loss of your child and to be more resilient at a time when you are completely overwhelmed. Bad sleep may exacerbate your sense of grief and anxiety.

When you experience something as traumatic as losing a baby it is common for your sleep to be affected. You may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep because your mind is overactive. If you are sleeping, even for long periods, you may still feel unrefreshed because the quality of sleep you are getting is not good. For some people, just the thought of going to bed or trying to sleep causes more anxiety.

The importance of sleep

Guy Meadows, from The Sleep School, explains more about the importance of sleep and how it can be affected following the loss of a child.

Responding to sleep disturbance

Responding well to sleep difficulties is likely to make you feel less anxious and improve your ability to cope with the trauma of your loss. If you are experiencing bad sleep, the good news is that there are things you can do at home to help yourself to sleep much better. Guy Meadows explains more.

Sleep Tips

There are 6 simple things you can do to improve bad sleep:

    1) Let go of the struggle

    2) Let go of props

    3) Stay in Bed

    4) Be Mindful

    5) Make space for difficult emotions

    6) Keep a regular sleep cycle

    More Information

    If you are experiencing more complex sleep issues, or would simply like the benefit of some extra support and help, contact Guy and his team at The Sleep School or download The Sleep School App from the iTunes store here.